My Areas of Interest

My area of interest is Hitler’s rise to power in relation to anti-Semitism in Europe. For the rest of my undergraduate degree, my goal is to begin studying this connection in preparation for a Master’s degree. By finding connections between the Second World War era and my current classes, I hope to gain a better understanding of the field that will help me in future studies.


If you are interested in how Hitler rose to power give this short video done by TED talks a try. Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard give a brief explain of what circumstances led to Adolf Hitler becoming Führer of Germany.

One of the connections that I find most interesting about the Second World War is how it related to the Holocaust. I am interested in finding out the process of how Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933 led to the creation of camps such as Auschwitz.

The creation of Auschwitz and other camps like it are crucial to the history of not only the Second World War era but also the 20th Century as a whole. That is why I hope to visit Auschwitz this summer, so I can truly understand the enormity of the Holocaust and the Second World War.

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